DBZ: Holy Days Sesshin

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

As early spring breezes warm Beecher Lake and new shoots emerge on the forest floor, we launch into a season of renewal. During this seven-day sesshin, we honor the birth […]

$475.00 – $525.00

DBZ: Nyogen Senzaki Sesshin

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

Immerse yourself in the essence of sesshin as we delve into practice and honor a great early pioneer of Zen in America. Led by Chigan Roshi, this sesshin will explore Senzaki's profound teachings and timeless poetry, which continue to inspire us decades after his passing. Held at Dai Bosatsu Zendo, the in-person sesshin fee is […]

$50.00 – $450.00

DBZ: 48th Anniversary Sesshin/Registration is closed

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

Registration for Anniversary Sesshin is closed.  Contact office@daibosatsu.org to be placed on a waiting list.  We invite you to register for Golden Wind Sesshin. Let us gather on Dai Bosatsu mountain […]

Get Tickets $475.00 – $525.00

NYZ: 56th Anniversary Weekend Sesshin

New York Zendo 223 E 67th St, New York, NY

Join Chigan Roshi and the sangha at New York Zendo Shobo-ji to commemorate the founding of our temple.  Established on September 15, 1968 by Soen Nakagawa Roshi and Eido Shimano […]

Get Tickets $150.00 – $175.00

DBZ: Golden Wind Sesshin

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

A monk asked Ummon, “What will happen when the leaves fall and the trees become bare?” Ummon said, “Golden wind!” Join us for a week  of silence at Golden Wind Sesshin. As autumn paints the trees brilliant colors, golden leaves swirl down, and the wind turns cooler and sharper, experience the beauty of autumn on […]

Get Tickets $475.00 – $525.00

NYZ: Soen Shaku Weekend Sesshin

New York Zendo 223 E 67th St, New York, NY

Join us at this sesshin commemorating the life and teaching of the first Rinzai Zen master to bring Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings to the West. Sesshin will be led by Hokuto […]

Get Tickets $150.00 – $175.00

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