NYZ: Parinirvana Weekend Sesshin

New York Zendo 223 E 67th St, New York, NY

This sesshin honors Shakyamuni Buddha’s final passage into Nirvana, marking the moment of his Parinirvana—the ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It serves as a time for reflection on mortality, impermanence, and the importance of practice. We will also commemorate the passing of Eido Tai Shimano Roshi, founding abbot of Dai Bosatsu […]

$150.00 – $175.00

NYZ: March-On Weekend Sesshin

New York Zendo 223 E 67th St, New York, NY

Led by Hokuto Osho, this sesshin commemorates the life and legacy of Soen Nakagawa Roshi. Born in Japan in 1907, Soen Roshi was a revered Zen master who played a pivotal role in introducing Zen Buddhism to the West. Soen Roshi’s unique spirit and style of Zen practice, characterized by his emphasis on direct experience […]

Get Tickets $150.00 – $175.00

DBZ: Holy Days Sesshin

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

As early spring warms Beecher Lake and new shoots emerge on the forest floor, we launch into a season of renewal. Join Chigan Roshi for Holy Days Sesshin, a seven-day retreat when we honor the birth of the Buddha alongside the sacred observances of other religions during this time period. We will also commemorate Rinzai […]

Get Tickets $475.00 – $525.00

DBZ: Nyogen Senzaki Sesshin

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

Join us for sesshin honoring Nyogen Senzaki, known for his role in introducing Zen Buddhism to the West. Born in Japan in 1876, Senzaki moved to the United States in […]

Get Tickets $400.00 – $450.00

DBZ: 49th Anniversary Sesshin

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor, NY

Let us gather on Dai Bosatsu mountain and sit with all our might to requite the beneficence of the great founding teachers whose endless vow brought Dai Bosatsu Zendo into being! Led by Abbot Chigan Roshi and Abbess Emerita Shinge Roshi, this seven-day sesshin commemorates the 49th Anniversary of Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji, which opened […]

Get Tickets $475.00 – $525.00

NYZ: 57th Anniversary Weekend Sesshin

New York Zendo 223 E 67th St, New York, NY

Join Chigan Roshi and the New York Zendo Shobo-ji Sangha to commemorate the founding of our temple. Established on September 15,1968 by Hakuun Yasutani Roshi and Eido Shimano Roshi, New York Zendo Shobo-ji was one of the first Rinzai Zen practice centers in the United States. For over half a century we have continued to […]

Get Tickets $150.00 – $175.00

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