Twice a year at Dai Bosatsu Zendo, a traditional three-month training period called kessei affords Zen students a rare opportunity to explore and deepen their practice. Kessei includes a schedule of daily meditation, chanting, study, and working together in a stunningly beautiful remote setting.
Guided by Abbot Chigan Roshi and senior residents, kessei participants learn traditional Rinzai Zen forms and engage in daily zazen, chanting, work practice, and study. The Dai Bosatsu Zendo community upholds standards of personal and group conduct rooted in the six perfections or paramitas:
- dana (generosity)
- sila (living by the ten precepts)
- kshanti (patience and endurance)
- virya (assiduous, energetic practice)
- dhyana (zazen)
- prajna (wisdom)
Residents work together to provide a place where all who come can experience the Buddha-Dharma in an authentic and life-changing way. Students will be assigned samu (work practice), including tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for our buildings and grounds. Yoga is part of the daily schedule, as are personal and group study periods. Sesshin, a silent week of intensive practice, is held once a month, providing the opportunity for deep introspection and daily dokusan (personal meetings with a Teacher).
Those whose aspiration, sincerity, and dedication are strong are encouraged to remain at Dai Bosatsu Zendo after the completion of kessei as residents for as long as their life circumstances permit. After completion of several kessei, those with a deep vow may apply for ordination, which requires further unwavering immersion in the traditional intensive 1,000-day training of Rinzai Zen.
Learn more about the kessei experience as described by Abbess Emerita Shinge Roshi in this short video.
Spring Kessei, March 21 – July 9
During Spring Kessei, the ice across the lake begins to crack and melt, gradually the snow covering fades away, the deer and birds return, tadpoles appear in the water, and tender shoots emerge from the forest floor manifesting the miracle of new life, day by day, until summer blossoms.
Fall Kessei, September 19 – December 9
As the geese take their leave, the lively chatter of the lake and woods grows quiet, and a golden wind strips the trees bare, hinting at the winter ahead. Autumn at Dai Bosatsu invigorates, heralding a time of deep, restorative renewal.
Join us for Fall or Spring Kessei!
We welcome applications from those whose aspirations, sincerity, and dedication are strong. Although the traditional length of kessei training is three months, shorter stays are possible. The fees for kessei are $2,000 for the full three months; $1,500 for two months; $1,000 for one month; and $500 for two weeks. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To learn more or to apply for kessei, email us at