In this four-week series which begins the first Wednesday of April, Giun Sensei guides us on a survey through various breathing techniques that are commonly used in Zen practice – from basic breathing into the hara, to bamboo breathing, to Hakuin’s “soft butter meditation,” to louder and more explosive techniques like shouting Mu or Kwatz. Each class will feature one or more breathing techniques with instruction and commentary on what utility they might have. No prior experience with Zen meditation is necessary.
The fee for this series is $40 for nonmembers and $30 for Zen Studies Society (ZSS) members. Note that the member price is for ZSS members only – please consider becoming a Supporting Member. Class will be held in person at New York Zendo as well as online, and a recording will be shared with participants. ZSS Health Protocols apply.
- Session One | Wednesday April 2 | 8:00pm – 8:45pm
- Session Two | Wednesday April 9 | 8:00pm – 8:45pm
- Session Three |Wednesday April 16 | 8:00pm – 8:45pm
- Session Four | Wednesday April 23 | 8:00pm – 8:45pm