Key Messages
As I conclude my six-year term on the Board, I reflect with deep gratitude on all we have accomplished together. Thanks to your support, the Zen Studies Society has grown ...
Another year has ended, and we are happy to present our 2024 Annual Report. The report provides an overview of our activities and accomplishments in 2024. It recounts our aspirations ...
November 7th, 2024 was a mild late autumn Sunday at the mountain monastery. The annual Harvest Sesshin had just concluded that morning. After many months and often years of preparation, ...
The end of one calendar year and the beginning of another invite us to contemplate and recognize the activity of time. We look at where we are, where we came ...
Reading the year-end messages from our teachers, I found myself reflecting on the concept of entanglement. In quantum physics, "entanglement" refers to a phenomenon where particles become linked and inextricably ...
More than 40 of us came together for Rohatsu Sesshin at Dai Bosatsu Zendo from November 30 through the morning of December 8. The sesshin was deep and still. As ...
May you live in interesting times. This curse, supposedly from ancient China, was first pronounced in a speech by a British diplomat in 1936. At that time, the Great Depression ...
As winter draws closer and we approach the last few weeks of the year, the days get shorter and darkness outlasts the sunlight hours. Along with the natural phenomenon of ...
quietly porous this body vast like the wind roars in all leaf colors ...
One afternoon, when I was a sophomore in high school in Brooklyn, as the class was over one day, my history teacher slid over to me. Then he secretly handed ...
Many or most of you probably know that my wife and I had a baby daughter on April 21st. Her name is Heidi, and we’ve been relishing the opportunity to ...
Confusion swirls around everywhere. Our words fly past one another. People talk at cross purposes. It is difficult to really listen to one another or separate truth from lies. Games ...
Engaged Buddhism
"Love is an act of will—namely, both an intention and an action." This insight from bell hooks' All About Love invites us to see love as a conscious commitment to ...
We do not just have a climate crisis; we have a crisis of the bios—of the living system itself, of all life, not just the climate or the biosphere. ...
“Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious coworker, every illness, every ...
Are you concerned about the climate crisis and want to explore ways in which you can address it close to home? Would you enjoy working with other Sangha members on ...
I dreamt recently that I was driving somewhere — I don’t know where, but I knew where I was going. I turned into the woods, onto a rocky dirt path, ...
Throughout history, humans have found ways to communicate over distance using constantly evolving technologies. The earliest evidence of a printed book is a copy of the Diamond Sutra from 868 ...
In April and May, articles by Yuki Eric Michels and Michael Fayne asked us to look at our own mortality and the impermanence of all things. Their approaches are the ...