
DBZ: Healing and Wellness Weekend

Dai Bosatsu Zendo 223 Beecher Lake Road, Livingston Manor

This weekend retreat offers a loving time of encouragement and support for people who are living with chronic illnesses or who need a place of community and healing. Originally created […]

Get Tickets $300.00 – $350.00

NYZ: Mandala Day Service, Zazen and Informal Lunch

New York Zendo 223 E 67th St, New York

We will hold our monthly Mandala Day service at 10 a.m., followed by kinhin (walking meditation), and zazen. We then work on cleaning (nittensoji) and caretaking projects for a half hour before sitting down together for informal lunch. Food offerings are welcome, but not required. Newcomers to the temple are requested to attend one Introduction […]

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