The Zen Studies Society’s mission is to teach the principles of Rinzai Zen Buddhism and the practice of meditation as a way of living with insight and compassion.
Integrity: Having the courage to be open, honest, and fair in all our actions; maintaining high ethical standards.
Generosity: Opening our hearts and minds, listening attentively to the reality of each moment, each person. Giving and serving in true charity, there is no “self”, no “other.”
Community: Fostering an inclusive, open climate that respects diversity and encourages collaboration and cooperation. Honoring patience and courtesy in our communications and interactions with each other and with the world at large.
Compassion: Developing a deep and intuitive understanding of the boundlessness and interconnectedness of everything. Seeing through the illusion of separate selfhood, being compassionate in our thoughts, words, and actions.
Wisdom: Cultivating awakening and actualizing insight with the clarity and focus that come from zazen.
Tradition: Upholding the profound treasure of our Rinzai Zen Buddhist training, which allows us to appreciate the wonder of our lives, moment by moment.
Moving forward into a new era and fulfilling the promise of our Dharma heritage, we will become an ecologically self-sustaining community that is a source of refuge, inspiration, and peace for everyone.